Coutput pdf from jpegs in adobe bridge cs5
Coutput pdf from jpegs in adobe bridge cs5

coutput pdf from jpegs in adobe bridge cs5

Much like the setting when saving a JPEG in Photoshop the lower you go the rougher the photo looks and the less detail you retain. The second Quality setting is for the photo quality inside the contact sheet. If you plan on only viewing this on screen you could drop the setting down to 72 ppi and get a smaller file size. If you plan on printing it you will need to set it higher like at 300 ppi. The first Quality setting is for the resolution of the PDF itself. You may notice there are two Quality settings, both of which will impact the final file size of the PDF so you may need to play with these settings to manage the file size.


Here you can set the paper size, quality and lock it with a password if you like. Get your page settings set up in the Document section first. Note that you will have to hit the Refresh Preview button under the Template to see any changes you make in the settings as you work down the Output settings panel. Now you can work down the right panel and adjust the settings for your contact sheet. One thing to watch out for when using these templates, they're all set to International paper sizes so you may need to change the Page Preset if you want to use U.S. For a quick start, you can begin with one of the provided templates from the Template drop down menu. The Output workspace can create either a PDF or Web Gallery so be sure you select PDF if you want to make a contact sheet. When Bridge switches over to the Output workspace you'll have a preview in the center area, the selected photos at the bottom in the filmstrip, and the output controls and settings to the right. To make a contact sheet, select a group of photos in Bridge then select the Output workspace button in the top of the Bridge window.

Coutput pdf from jpegs in adobe bridge cs5